Red5, first thoughts

As I promised myself, I started to spend some of the time in testing red5 since I’ve read the about the 0.6RC1 release.
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to run it on my Windows Vista so I try it on an older Windows XP. Once unpacked the installer I first tested some of the example applications boundled, everything worked fine.. cool, nice, great project indeed!

But then I wanted to migrate one of my FCS2 projects to Red5 in order to test “the real world”.
Ok, I need to write in Java? (there’s Python support, but it’s Jython) Cool.. I never seen Java, I thought it was a monster with eight heads 🙂
Got the first Java editor I found on the net, IntelliJIdea (what a wonderful editor indeed! much expensive, but really cool), and started with headache..
But at least, for a newbie like me, it seems to me like editing ActionScript3 files, so it wasn’t so difficult to make things running.
I’m still “trying” to re-write the application (with minor changes also in the flash files) but I managed to make remote sharedobjects, streams and remote calls running like in the FCS2 original application and I’m so happy 🙂

I just encounter a couple of time a Windows blue screen error while getting webcam streams (I need to make a snapshot next time) and some human unreadable java exceptions (It’s indeed a my fault) but I think it was a positive beginning after all.
Great great compliments to red5 developers!

Red5 with javascript python ruby and coffee?

Red5 (the opensource flash multimedia server) will support server side javascript, Ruby, Python and Java?
That’s terrific!
Well, it seems the next 0.6 RC1 version of Red5 will do that! The release is scheduled by next Monday and if that’s true I definitively will find the time to look inside it 🙂

Flash Media Server 2 Available

Macromedia has released Flash Media Server 2.
Also in this version there’s a free developer edition available: this will make happy a lot of users that was afraid because the old news about FMS 2 wasn’t speaking about a free edition 🙂
You can read the Press release, watch the product page or read the the comments of Stefan Richter.

Flash Media Server 2 public beta

“Welcome to the Macromedia Flash Media Server 2 Public Beta. This public beta is a pre-release version of the next major release of the Flash Communication Server. It is made available on a limited basis* for developers to familiarize themselves with the new features and functionality of the product as well as to enable them to test their applications and ensure they function correctly.

This release is available for Windows Server 2000 and Windows Server 2003. The Linux version of Flash Media Server will be available when the product is released. See the System Requirements on the “Download & Feedback” tab below. Please let us know as soon as possible if you encounter any issues.”

With these words Macromedia announced Flash Media Server 2 public beta. You can download it from and try new features!

FlashComm Server and AMFPHP

FlashComm 1.5Today I was trying to do some stuff with Flash communication server mx, since it was very long time since i’ve played with it..
nothing really particulary complicated.
I wanted to create some sort of video conference , with a list of available recorded conferences..
In order to get the list of previously recorded video, their date and so on, I wished to use amfphp in order to use php filesystem functions.. and I was happily surprised for the fact i was immediately able to use AMFPHP into the application asc server file at the first attempt 🙂