Finally some holidays for me!
In the next 2 weeks I will be in New York City, Charleston and Orlando…
see you 🙂
Finally some holidays for me!
In the next 2 weeks I will be in New York City, Charleston and Orlando…
see you 🙂
Here we are, like every year, at the end.
Unfortunately this year I can’t be abroad for holidays like in the past (taking pictures of other countries’ beauties :)). I will be on holidays later, in February, in the United States for 2 weeks.
So, I hope everybody will have an unforgettable new year’s eve.
Ok, I finish this useless post with a video I just discovered on YouTube, a video of 1999 (when internet was still a mystery for me), and this is more a gift for me and for my friends who spent that night together with me 🙂
Ok, everyone is sending all kind of wishes by mail in these days and now it’s my turn!
So, Merry Christmas to everyone!
I hope you will spend beautiful days during your holidays and come back extremely happy
Rõõmsaid Jõulupühi ja Head uut aastat
Wesolych Swiat i Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!
Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr!
P.S. I hope you like the new site style I’m still modifying (the header photo is a pic I’ve taken near Perugia, where I lived for 4 years…)
Finally it’s time for holidays… This year we will visit Riga, Latvia
On 28th of September I will participate at the adobe From A to Web in Milan, and I hope to meet old friends and maybe listen something interesting…
but now let’s enjoy holidays, see you in September 🙂
P.S. here the photos of our holidays:
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.22″ movie=”” width=”430″ height=”360″ targetclass=”flashmovie” fvars=”album_id=72157594222707904;image_type=b”]
Holidays are finished also this year…
Back from Paradise, it’s so difficult to switch mind to the all days’ things.
This Summer we’d different holidays as we used to do; no warm sun, no beach, no hot sand.. but they were so incredible and unforgettable.
But they are finished!
So let’s start a new year.. Welcome back to everyone.
Many news will come for everyone of us with the next release of all the Macromedia products
Here the source code of the fader:
[attachments docid=760 force_saveas=”1″ logged_users=”0″]
Before leaving for my holidays i just want to make a quick post about the recent SE|PY additions…
The new “quick search” bar at the bottom. Thanks to Eric Dolecki who suggested me a more usable and fast to use “search” control (thanks also to Eric new icons suggestions!)
I use Mozilla Firefox from more than one year, i love the way it has implemented the find bar, and I never thought at using it in SEPY? yes.. that’s true 🙂
This is directly taken from an Eclipse feature i like a lot.
For every bookmarked line or line with a “TODO” comment you will have in the right side of each document a small clickable rectangle, with different colors, which show you the absolute position of that line in the document.
When you move the mouse over that rect you will see a tooltip telling you the content of the line and click on it for move to that line.
Nothing particular, but I found it really useful.
It’s now possible to customize the words SEPY is looking for (not only “todo”, but what you want)
Moreover, with the last addition of a sqlite database once you open a document for the second time you will see all the previous bookmarked lines, and the cursor will be placed in the same position you previously closed the document.
Last addition is the mtasc compile dialog.
Using this dialog window you can compile yuor script in SEPY using the mtasc compiler and see in the same dialog a preview of the created SWF.
BTW, I will leave for my holidays on Monday (destination Tallinn, Estonia).
See ya again by the end of August.. and great holidays to you all!!
Christian Giordano, a friend and one of the Flash artist I estimate a lot for his creativity, recently decided to begin to make his works sources available for download.
If you never visit his site I suggest you to see some of the examples he’s publishing on the download area.. really nice!
p.s. See you next week, i’m flying to Malaga for a little holiday 🙂
Another year has gone! This time it seems to me faster than others… maybe because was my first as 30 old? Thanks to all who visited this site, supported me in any way.. and to all who worked with me during this year..
By the way, Merry Christmas to everyone, happy new year, and great things for the new year’s eve and see you next year again! Ah, don’t drink too much on 31st!! 🙂 I will leave for Poland ( Krakow, Katowice and Lodz ) another time 🙂