Latest SE|PY changes

A little update on the latest software changes.

– I recently added the possibility to use “Abbreviations”, like happens in Scintilla|Scite. Basically they are a set of abbreviated words (e.g. “if”,”fun”,”forin”) which, after pressing a shortcut key, will be expanded into an expanded expression (and pointing the cursor at the position you described in the abbreviation manager panel).
– All the bookmarked lines are now always availables under the bookmark menu.
Just select one of the menu item to go to the specified line.
– Another addition is the Chinese (Simplified & Traditional) dialogs & menu language support (thanks to Deng Jie for this)
– In the Upcoming 1.0.68 version there will be also the possibility to add optional params to be passed to the MTASC compiler.
If “-v” option is passed a dialog window will be opened after the check syntax process, grabbing all the verbose messages printed by mtasc.


In the latest version of SEPY I’ve added a syntax checker (as many developers pray for), and now SEPY uses MTASC as engine for checking actionscript syntax.
You just need to download MTASC and set the binary path of the compiler in sepy preferences.
The testing version of sepy is available at sourceforge.
A useful feature of this integration is that, if an error is found, the file containing the error will be automatically opened in the exact position of the error.
Note that MTASC engine is slightly different than the Macromedia internal compiler. You can see the comparison in the mtasc homepage.

Download MTASC

Official SE|PY contest started!

Thanks to I’m glad to introduce officially the contest for the realization of the new SE|PY icon.
Over the original prize of a Macromedia Studio MX 2004 license, there are also: two free domains (it, com, or net), 200Mb of web space with support ASP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion 7, MySQL and a bookDeveloping Rich Clients with Macromedia Flex“.
Files can be send via email to one of the following addresses: and The contest will expires on 18th April 2005, after this date we will select the winners.

The full contest rules are available at this address:

P.S. For all who already sent to me their file, they are already subscribed to the contest. (thanks in advance to anyone who already sent me his icon, they’re really nice!!) Thank you again for the support!!

Help with new SEPY icon

I have this idea since some time ago.
The problem is that my graphical skills are so poor and I never been able to do an acceptable new icon for my program.
What I would like to do is something like a broken egg (which should remember in some way the flash logo) from where a python (snake) is coming out.
So I decided to ask for someone who would like to help me with this. I cannot pay for it, but at least I can give a box of Macromedia Studio MX 2004.
Any help would be really appreciated.. p.s. recently I’ve changed my site’s style in order to make it a bit more clean.. I hope it reaches the goal

SEPY, new feature

Here comes a new SEPY release with a major change in the interface: the Find dialog In particulary:

  1. multiline text dialog
  2. search can be now made not only in all the document text, but a filter can be used:
    • search only in comments
    • search only in strings
  3. open/save search status. This will save all the options and text currently in the dialog window (useful when using long regular expressions which we want to remember in future)
  4. Word Start: find text only if the character before is not a word char.

Added a guide for the find operations (with also a guide to the regular expression syntax which you can use in scintilla) I hope these changes are welcome, and expecially they works..

Comment, Comment Everywhere

Commenting lines, commenting multilines, uncommenting lines ect..
If you’re a SE|PY user you probalby know that actually there are 2 different menu items for commenting/uncommenting code (and also 2 different key shortcuts).
I received different requests for change this thing. Some people ask me to make a unique shortcut/menu for commenting and uncommenting code, and also make 2 different way of add comment (one for ‘//’ comment and the other for ‘/*’ comment).
In this way, if you hit “comment” on a line:
it will become
// _root.gotoAndStop(1);

and, if you hit again on “comment” with the selection in the same line it will turn back to _root.gotoAndStop(1);
No problem in fact with single line selection.. but if you hit “comment” on a multiline selection like:
_root.gotoAndStop(1); //play();
what should be the result?
1st solution:
Detect line by line, if line is commented then uncomment it, otherwise comment line //_root.gotoAndStop(1);
or 2nd solution Detect first line of the selection, if this line is commented, then try to uncomment all the lines in selection, otherwise comment every line of selection

there is also a discussion in the developement mailing list, I’m not completely sure which is the best solution, even i prefer the second one.. I would like to know your opinion

SEPY testing version

I just uploaded a new version on the sourceforge site (
With this version I started with some testing on various features I would like to use in the version 2 of SEPY.
In fact I left the old XML based system for internationalization in order to start using python gettext and wxPython i18n support. It also has been added a feature in the preference panel (under autocompletion tab) which allow user to define the builtin classpath used by the program It’s a testing version, for this reason pay attention with it and please report to me problems.

P.S. Actually there are is english, french and italian translation (because this is only for testing purposes), if you’re interested on how to had your language support i will write the steps for install more languages