Flex 3 Tree double-click to edit

Some people asked about changing the default editing behavior of a Flex 3 Tree control so  that item editing starts on a double-click event instead of the default single click.

Indeed it has been covered several times on forums or mailing list, but it’s faster to create a simple script than search for it sometimes.

Here’s the files:
Here’s the live demo:

Flash Player 10.1 and global error handling

Well, it seems that the upcoming flashplayer 10.1 (first half of 2010?) has been completely designed to fill the gap that the current flashplayer has with the smartphones world (multitouch, accelerometer, screen orientation, sleep mode, out-of-memory management, etc..).

There will be a lot of new useful features, if you look at the release note pdf: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/releasenotes.pdf
But the most important feature, for me (as I asked a little time ago), is indeed the global error handling!
Unfortunately the global error handling feature hasn’t been already implemented in the current prerelease public version. I hope they will enable this feature soon, I really miss this option!