Flex 3 Tree double-click to edit

Some people asked about changing the default editing behavior of a Flex 3 Tree control so  that item editing starts on a double-click event instead of the default single click.

Indeed it has been covered several times on forums or mailing list, but it’s faster to create a simple script than search for it sometimes.

Here’s the files:
Here’s the live demo:

DragController updated

Thanks to the hard work of Nicolas Zeh the component I did some time ago (draggable controller) has now lot of changes!

  • a new name: DragController
  • drag and drop multiple items at once if multipleSelection is set to true for a component
  • added the following methods to the DragEvent Object:
  • evt.checkType
  • evt.addItem
  • evt.removeItem
  • evt.addAndRemoveItem
  • the methods were renamed to fit Macromedias naming conventions for methods
  • i lowered the addReference restriction that both components have to be UIComponents. Now only the source has to be an UIComponent and the target suffices to be a MovieClip.
  • added a veto method for the “drag_start” event. So user can decide on this Event if he would like to allow dragging of this specific item.
  • added an onDropData method besides the Event handlers. So you can assign this method directly to a defined target component.
  • added flags similar to DragAndDropTree component. These are:
  • DENYDRAGFOLDER (only tree component)
  • DENYDRAGITEM (only tree component, as i makes no sense for other components)
  • DENYDROPINTOITEM (only tree component)
  • DENYDROPINTOFOLDER (only tree component)
  • DENYDROPINTO (only tree component)
  • DENYDROPINBETWEEN this option disallows setting a specific target index position and will add the item at the end of the List, DataGrid, Tree
  • removed some bugs concerning Focus on Component and selectedItems. But i am not sure if there aren’t some left due to Flash’s strange Focus mechanisms. (sure, I still haven’t understood the focus mechnism of MM components)

There’s also a very comprehensive help of the component (just look in the F1 flash help panel)

[attachments size=large docid=768 force_saveas=”1″ logged_users=”0″]

Drag and Drop Tree component, yet another!

Yes, this is another drag and drop tree component 🙂
It was a log I wanted to extends the built-in Flash mx 2004 Tree component in order to allow drag and drop operations.. but time was always my enemy.
I was lucky that i need one for work.. i look around and i founded some cool other similar components, but i wanted to be able to do it by myself 😉
It just extends the base Tree component and you can set some drag and drop rules, just costants..
for example, i set these costants to be used:

  • TreeDnd.DEFAULT
  • TreeDnd.DENYALL

they can be used in combinations:
in this way you cannot drag a folder, only leaf nodes, and you cannt drop the dragged item into a leaf node, only into a folder or before/after another leaf node…

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.22″ movie=”/wp-content/uploads/2004/12/example.swf” width=”550″ height=”400″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

Get Adobe Flash player

Download the component here.