Patrick Mineault makes a proposal for the charset handling in AMFPHP
To use charset handling in the new CVS version, you will need to call the setCharsetHandler function from your gateway.php file, like this:
$gateway->setCharsetHandler("iconv", "latin1", "latin1");
Detail for setCharsetHandler method: setCharsetHandler(string mode, string phpCharset, string sqlCharset) The mode can be: 1. none (don’t do anything) 2. iconv (uses the iconv libray for reencoding) 3. mbstring (uses the mbstring library for reencoding) 4. recode (uses the recode library for reencoding) 5. utf8_decode (uses the XML function utf8_decode and encode for reencoding – ISO-8859-1 only) I haven’t tested it already, but I’m sure this is a great step toward a solution of the charset problem!
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