Find programming documentation

I found two very useful reference sites which aggregate various documentation within an ajax suggestion search textbox (like google suggest). [view]
Very fast an easy, includes C, C++, CSS, HTML, HTML DOM, Java, JavaScript, MySQL, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby references. Unfortunely it does not include ActionScript reference. It has also a “add to google” button, to add a widget in your google homepage.

Fast API Search [view]
This includes ActionScript reference too! It allows to select which references to be used in the live search (such as  HTML, CSS, CSS2, Javascript, Google code, XML, XSL, XPath, XSD, PHP, Ruby, Perl, AS, ColdFusion, C, C++, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Java…). Unfortunately this one does not include Python and it seems to be slower than

Anyway, I think a couple of useful bookmark links.

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