AMFPHP 1.0 milestone 2 alpha

Today Patrick released a new milestone of amfphp: Chnages in this alpha release:

  • Added new methodTable option (per method) “fastArray” => true|false for fast array serializing on return (will only make a difference for large multidimensional nested voodoo arrays)
  • Added new method Headers::getHeader($key) available from all services, also HeadersFilter.php added
  • Added FrontBase support
  • Added Pear::db support
  • Added CSV-based recordsets support
  • Renamed sql folder to adapters to fit with the CSV recordsets
  • Various bugfixes for PHP4 MethodTable class
  • Major overhaul of service browser, should work much better now
  • New actionscript template system for service browser, see browser/templates/ for examples
  • Added new return type binary that will write the value as a string but without charsetHandling
  • Added new return type raw that will write to the output stream directly (careful)
  • SSL with ie hopefully works now

Some new methods included recently, which you can use in the gateway.php file (for production env): – disableStandalonePlayer() Disables the standalone player by filtering out its User-Agent string – disableServiceDescription() Disable service description from Macromedia’s service browser – disableTrace() Disables remote tracing – disableDebug() Stops debug info from being sent (independant of remote trace setting)

amfphp project page

AMFPHP 1.0 beta updates

Today I was reading the the latest consideration of Patrick Mineault about the recents AMFPHP CVS commits.
AMFPHP 1.0 core documentation is quite finished, and the official 1.0 release seems to be really close. With the last update amfphp is incredile faster than before, thanks to a deep update of the core amf serializer. There is a very interesting blog entry about this update, on how he got inspired after a Rasmus’ talk at PHPQuebec, passing through a valid php debugging process (which i didn’t know and now i’m going to download immediately!) Dowload the unofficial AMFPHP beta from here:

P.S. Remember that there’s still a poll for voting the new AMFPHP logo.

Charset handling proposal in AMFPHP

Patrick Mineault makes a proposal for the charset handling in AMFPHP

[..] that should put an end to problems with Unicode and native character set handling between PHP and Flash, a problem that has palgued AMFPHP for a long time

To use charset handling in the new CVS version, you will need to call the setCharsetHandler function from your gateway.php file, like this:

$gateway->setCharsetHandler("iconv", "latin1", "latin1");

Detail for setCharsetHandler method: setCharsetHandler(string mode, string phpCharset, string sqlCharset) The mode can be: 1. none (donā€™t do anything) 2. iconv (uses the iconv libray for reencoding) 3. mbstring (uses the mbstring library for reencoding) 4. recode (uses the recode library for reencoding) 5. utf8_decode (uses the XML function utf8_decode and encode for reencoding – ISO-8859-1 only) I haven’t tested it already, but I’m sure this is a great step toward a solution of the charset problem!

AMFPHP Wiki, the definitive guide

Finally an official wiki on AMFPHP!!
This should be the definitive guide / installation and howto on the amfphp world.
The wiki will cover AMFPHP from A to Z, starting from the installation, requirments, examples, debugging and future improvements.
Everyone can help us to make it better and better, except for the lovely spammers šŸ˜‰

Recent topic on amfphp 1.0 is the charset issue. Follow discussions or read archives if you’re interested into:…/forum.php?forum_id=24803


AMFPHP is dead, long life to INFRNO!

Recently Patrick Mineault joined the amfphp developer team and he gave a new life to the project! Also we’re choosing the new project name according to the PHP license which discourage the usage of the word “php” inside a project name (expecially point 3 and 4 of PHP license).

INFRNO seems to be the most voted name It’s always nice to slip a recursive acronym into a project title – it lend character. So the new working title ‘Infrno’ is actually “Is not Flash Remoting, NO!” which as you can see is pretty funny. I suggest you to stay tuned with the changes amfphp will take in the near future.. Now everyone is invited to post his own vote!
The email to vote is: Now, we will collect everyone’s wishes and gather the data to discuss.
If the vote is overwhelmingly one sided, it will be an easy conversation. This is not the deciding factor, just a mechanism to gather the communities oppinions and/or narrow down the options to make a more formal decision. The leading suggestions have been

    AMFPHP INFRNO amph Falcon

Please send an email to with one of these names, or an additional name if you have one.

AMFPHP, method table automation

Christophe Herreman created a very nice PHP class in order to automate the method table creation inside your AMFPHP class.
In this way, using his class, you can instead of writing every time you create a new PHP class, or just editing it, the code like:

$this->methodTable = array(
"getParkTypes" => array(
"description" => "Returns list of park types",
"access" => "remote",
"arguments" => array ("arg1")
"getParksList" => array(
"description" => "Shows list of parks given a park type",
"access" => "remote",
"arguments" => array ("parkType")
"getParkDetails" => array(
"description" => "Return details on a park give the parkname",
"access" => "remote",
"arguments" => array ("parkName")

You can just use this code:

$this->methodTable = MethodTable::create($this);

The only problem for most of us is that this requires PHP5

FlashComm Server and AMFPHP

FlashComm 1.5Today I was trying to do some stuff with Flash communication server mx, since it was very long time since i’ve played with it..
nothing really particulary complicated.
I wanted to create some sort of video conference , with a list of available recorded conferences..
In order to get the list of previously recorded video, their date and so on, I wished to use amfphp in order to use php filesystem functions.. and I was happily surprised for the fact i was immediately able to use AMFPHP into the application asc server file at the first attempt šŸ™‚