Apollo Beta in March?

Via PC World: “Adobe plans to later this month launch the beta of a new runtime that will allow rich web-based applications to run offline, technology that could threaten the popularity of programming platforms such as Java and Microsoft’s .NET.
The release of a developer preview of the runtime, dubbed Apollo, will coincide roughly with an ApolloCamp event Adobe will hold in San Francisco on March 16, according to sources familiar with the company’s plans. ApolloCamp will give developers a chance to kick the tires of the new runtime.”

Apollo on Adobe Labs: http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/Apollo
Read th full article here: http://www.pcworld.in/news/index.jsp/artId=5144613

From Web to Desktop

Yesterday Screenweaver HX was announced as part of the haxe framework.
With SWHX, you create an application by using two layers :

  • the System layer : written in haXe and using the Neko API, you can access the local filesystem, databases, network sockets… You can also easily extend its capabilities by writing your own DLL.
  • the Flash layer : written in haXe or any other technology capable of producing SWF, you can use this layer to display the graphical interface, handle user interactions, play sound and video…

Unfortunately I’m trying to install haxe/swhx on my Windows Vista but I’m not lucky at the moment šŸ™

The second project is directly from Adobe labs, called Apollo (flash, html, and pdf together), and currently it’s only a long description of what it can do and a list of F.A.Q., but Adobe says it will be pre-released on Adobe labs in the second half of 2006..

I’ve also found a diagram which display makeup of an Apollo application.

Apollo is the code name for a cross-operating system runtime being developed by Adobe that allows developers to leverage their existing web development skills (Flash, Flex, HTML, JavaScript, Ajax) to build and deploy Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) to the desktop.