A long journey through chunked transfer and file uploading

It has been a while since I wrote the last post … I know, I’ve still quite a lot of stuff left opened but sooner or later you’ll get it. Don’t worry šŸ˜‰

During the last days I’ve been working on improving some server side API for a client I’m working for.

Actually they’re using a mix of AMF and HTTP based API but, as long as the AMF implementation is unfortunately a bit unstable, they want to move to a full HTTP based API … that sounded quite easy: take a bit of HTTP, dress it with POST and maybe XML (or whatever other ingredient you like most) and you’ll have a good base to start porting the API.

But I’ve ignored a small particular that turned out to be really painful to manage by using just HTTP: sending efficently to the server big chunks of binary data.

Those were the requirements I had to fulfill:

  1. I have potentially really big binary files to be sent quickly to the server;
  2. I have to track upload progress somehow;
  3. I must be able to trigger the upload without the user interaction;
  4. I should rely on HTTP only;

And here the solutions I’ve tried to implement, and the conclusions I’ve achieved (well, I didn’t try all the options because I already knew that a few of them were not suitable for my situation, but they might be useful to someone and so I’m reporting them anyway).

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Flash remoting for python

Yesterday I received an email form Vsevolod ILyushchenko announcing me the alpha version of Flash remoting for python!
http://simonf.com/amfpython/. There are also many examples here: http://simonf.com/amfpython/code.html

Second update: Serializer Class 2.1
There is a bug fixing with in special chars lenght, thanks to Rainer Becker. The new mxp file is available on the sourceforge site.

Last thing. I’ve just uploaded an example which Daniel Tavelli send me.
An example of Xpath usage in flash mx 2004 using the xfactorstudio xpath class for ActionScript