AS3 tour, last stop Milan

Just come back from the big Apple and discovered that Adobe as3tour, presented by Colin Moock, will be in Italy on Moday 23rd of June, and more precisely in Milan at the Atathotel Executive.

Also, this will be the last stop of the tour! So don’t miss it if you live near Milan, like me!

The course teaches object-oriented programming fundamentals in
ActionScript 3.0. it is designed for Flash users with beginner to
intermediate programming skills (*NOT* advanced programmers). the target
audience should have:
* familarity with the Flash authoring tool
* basic knowledge of variables and functions
* little or no experience with object oriented programming

topics covered include object-oriented programming, classes, objects,
variables, methods, packages, event handling, displaying things on
screen, and compiling and running programs.

Anyway, dont miss the beer(s) at the end of the meeting!! 🙂

From A to Web memories

Yesterday I attended the Italian Adobe conference, From A to Web, in Milan.
I like expecially the Mike Downey presentation, in which he showm us a sneak peak of the new Adobe project, codename “Apollo”.
A PDF+Flash+HTML plugin viewer for creating desktop applications (so, goodbye Zinc and similar?). Someone asked him which html engine was used in apollo, but without a precis answer, I think he was referring to Geko…
Also interesting the Mike’s explanation about the reason of the name “Apollo”.
That’s because the first Central codename was “Mercury” (early American program for launching humans into space) the second beta codename was “Gemini” (the second US manned spaceflight program), and Apollo was the first ship to land the Moon

Then he introduced also a preview of the new Flash9 IDE (currently in beta process, codename “Blaze”) and he shown some of the new IDE features. First of all the IDE has changed (like in almost new releases) and there are very cool workspace management cool features indeed.
A completely integrated Photoshop PSD import process. You can select which element of the psd file to be imported and how to do it, select one of the layers and import as movieclip, etc.. very nice for designers (There was a long applause).
Another features he presented was the Robert Penner export as ActionScript3 of timeline tweens. This should be for developers who need to transform the timeline motion tweens created by designer into code (Another long applause). For what I understand it creates an xml code which can be put into the timeline and which reproduce the original tween. But I also understand that the produced code can only be used into the same timeline (a timeline with the same number of frames)..,

Closed for Holidays

Finally it’s time for holidays… This year we will visit Riga, Latvia

On 28th of September I will participate at the adobe From A to Web in Milan, and I hope to meet old friends and maybe listen something interesting…
but now let’s enjoy holidays, see you in September 🙂

P.S. here the photos of our holidays: