Flash/Javascript Integration Kit

As just read on the Mike Chambers blog, here the link to the beta release of the Flash/Javascript Integration Kit (How can i miss it?!?)
It works on these browsers/OS:
* Windows IE 6.0
* Windows Firefox 1.0
* Windows Opera 8.0
* Macintosh Opera 8.0
* Macintosh Firefox 1.0
* Safari 1.2.4 and 2.0
* Linux Firefox 1.0.4

and it can be possible to communicate passing complex object data type such as:
* objects
* arrays
* strings
* numbers
* dates
* booleans
* nulls
* undefined

In the installation page there’s also an example of the usage in flash:

import com.macromedia.javascript.JavaScriptProxy; 
var proxy:JavaScriptProxy = new JavaScriptProxy(); 
proxy.call("javaScriptMethodName", "arg1", new Object());

See docs here: http://www.osflash.org and http://weblogs.macromedia.com/flashjavascript/readme.html
