Which documentator for AS2?

I was searching for a valid AS documentation tool…
I have tested the AS2Doc trial but it doesn’t parse correctly my classes.
Also ZenDoc seems to be a valid alternative, also because it’s written in PHP, but it skip all the uncommented methods šŸ™
NaturalDocs probably is the best choice, for me, but it doesn’t support standard javadoc comments
Acid gives me python errors while parsing the packages and the python code is quite unreadable.
BLDoc is really promising, but it’s still in beta
Probably the best program I found is as2api, which creates a standard javadoc html output. The only thing is that it doesn’t seem to have an option to allow documentation for private methods
Did you have experience with some of these tools, or someone else I didn’t tested?
Which one do you currently use?

Natural Docs

I recently discovered this project (opensource) thanks to a post in SEPY feature requests. Natural Docs is an open-source, extensible, multi-language documentation generator.
It has native support for C#, Perl and ActionScript2 (PHP, Python, etc. has basic support).
It seems a really valid project, the problem (for me) actually is that is doesn’t support javadoc, even if I read on its forum that he’s planning to support it in the future.
Natural Docs requires Perl 5.05 or higher to run. If youā€™re using Linux or Mac OS X, you should already have it. If youā€™re using Windows and havenā€™t installed it yet, you can get ActiveStateā€™s ActivePerl for free.
There are free versions available for many other platforms as well.

Download Version 1.34 from sourceforge.net site