During the reading of one of the articles at osflash I’ve got inspiration (and portion of the code) from flashticle project to start with a little project by myself (called pyswf).
That’s not *really* a project, also because there are so many decrypers, disassemblers, optimizators etc around here, but more an exercize for better understand both python and the SWF file format…
BTW, currently it can read quite almost all swf tags and actions, writing them in a pseudo-code (later i will try to create the original actionscript code), and also extract some of the swf embedded multimedia objects (such as flv, mp3, wav, and images)
for example:
main -e "test.swf"
it will print all the swf code in the output buffer and also extract all the multimedia files embedded into test.swf
you can download the source code (with also a win32 binary) from here