Amethyst Actionscript editor

amethyst screenshotIt’s since the first time I used Eclipse that I’m waiting for an actionscript editor non eclipse based!

I never like eclipse and hated all its problems.
Unfortunately Adobe decided to implement its editor over eclipse and also other nice editors, like fdt, used the eclipse framework to build their own editors.
I used Visual Studio for a while but that was enough to make me fall in love with it.
Visual Studio is indeed the best editor at all, without doubts!
Finally I discovered an interesting project for editing actionscript projects integrated into Visual Studio.
Amethyst is still in beta and probably too premature to be used in large production environment, but it’s a great news for me.
I hope they’ll continue in the development and create a serious competitor for Flash Builder.
For more info visit their product page:

NeoSwiff beta

After MTASC compiler, I read today of another upcoming SWF compiler.

NeoSwiff allows developers to write Flash™ applications in C#. NeoSwiff comes with a C# to SWF compiler, and also with a Visual Studio .NET support. This is very interesting 🙂
Moreover the compiler is available for Windows/Mac OSX and Linux
Some screenshots are available here: