Drag and Drop Tree component, yet another!

Yes, this is another drag and drop tree component 🙂
It was a log I wanted to extends the built-in Flash mx 2004 Tree component in order to allow drag and drop operations.. but time was always my enemy.
I was lucky that i need one for work.. i look around and i founded some cool other similar components, but i wanted to be able to do it by myself 😉
It just extends the base Tree component and you can set some drag and drop rules, just costants..
for example, i set these costants to be used:

  • TreeDnd.DEFAULT
  • TreeDnd.DENYALL

they can be used in combinations:
in this way you cannot drag a folder, only leaf nodes, and you cannt drop the dragged item into a leaf node, only into a folder or before/after another leaf node…

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.22″ movie=”/wp-content/uploads/2004/12/example.swf” width=”550″ height=”400″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

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