Flash/Javascript Integration Kit

As just read on the Mike Chambers blog, here the link to the beta release of the Flash/Javascript Integration Kit (How can i miss it?!?)
It works on these browsers/OS:
* Windows IE 6.0
* Windows Firefox 1.0
* Windows Opera 8.0
* Macintosh Opera 8.0
* Macintosh Firefox 1.0
* Safari 1.2.4 and 2.0
* Linux Firefox 1.0.4

and it can be possible to communicate passing complex object data type such as:
* objects
* arrays
* strings
* numbers
* dates
* booleans
* nulls
* undefined

In the installation page there’s also an example of the usage in flash:

import com.macromedia.javascript.JavaScriptProxy; 
var proxy:JavaScriptProxy = new JavaScriptProxy(); 
proxy.call("javaScriptMethodName", "arg1", new Object());

See docs here: http://www.osflash.org and http://weblogs.macromedia.com/flashjavascript/readme.html


New Flash Lite coming?

It seems thay Macromedia is planning to release the Flash Lite Player 2.0 to developers by the end of this year.
This player is set to have Flash 7 functionality. There was a long Breeze meeting with Kevin Lynch on Wednesday, where various aspects of the Flash Platform have been discussed ( read more here ).
In the meantime I would like to suggest another Flash Lite event presented by ActionScript.it in Rome, on 16th of June For more info please read more here: http://www.actionscript.it/showVetrina.cfm?id=19
Well, it seems it’s time for for me to explore Flash Lite a bit… (mmh, probably it’s the second or third time I already made this promise)


Flash Platform Announcement

This morning Macromedia made several press announcements regarding the Flash Platform, Flash Player, Macromedia’s support of the Eclipse Foundation, and an upcoming toolset for Flex development, code-named Zorn.
