FlashTracer 2 for Firefox 2.0.*

I dont know what happened to the link of my FlashTracer extensions on Mozilla extensions page.. it simply has been removed.
It’s a while I don’t visit the mozilla developers corner and so I dont know the reason.. probably I had to update the extension for the final release of Firefox2, and they removed the link from the database..

Anyway, now the developer area is inaccessible until they release the new addons site. For this reason, for who want to download again the flashtracer extension can use this link:


I’ve also added my site as updateURL for this extension, so I dont have to care anymore about mozilla  changes on their site…
The extension itself has no new features, just some little changes and an help panel too. I’ve added the possibility of open the flashtracer in a floating window, as someone requested.

P.S. Remember that you can find all the Adobe Flash debug player versions here:  http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html

UPDATE: A new flash tracer called fbtracer has been released. This new extension is integrated into Firebug. Read more here

Install FlashTracer on Linux

Recently Adobe released the final version of flash player 9 for Linux, fortunately thay also released the linux debug version, so the Flash Tracer extension can be installed now on linux too.

First of all Download the Linux debugger and standalone players and install it.
Then download flashtracer.xpi (updated version for linux only) and install (usually download and then drag on FF).

Restart Firefox and open the FlashTracer panel using Tools->Flash Tracer.
Browse to a flash website with some traces enabled and you should alreay see some text in the panel. Otherwise set in the flash tracer option the output file to this folder:


* replace {username} with your account name.
Now I can see all the traces (and lot of warnings, more than on Windows) on my Firefox in Ubuntu.

Create a Flex2 search plugin toolbar in Firefox2

With the release of Firefox 2.0 we had many new features and one of these is the Enhanced search capabilities:
Search term suggestions will now appear as users type in the integrated search box when using the Google, Yahoo! or Answers.com search engines. A new search engine manager makes it easier to add, remove and re-order search engines, and users will be alerted when Firefox encounters a website that offers new search engines that the user may wish to install.”

For example you can add more search engines from here. I’ve take a look at the google built-in search plugin and I managed to create a search engine for AS3/Flex2 which uses the livedocs as target result site, but which uses a “search term suggestion” too.

You can install in Firefox2 this search plugin just clicking here.
This is the XML I used to generate this search engine:

<SearchPlugin xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/2006/browser/search/" xmlns:os="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/">
<os:ShortName>Actionscript 3.0</os:ShortName>
<os:Description>ActionScript 3.0 search on livedocs</os:Description>
<os:Image width="16" height="16"></os:Image>
<os:Url type="application/x-suggestions+json" method="GET" template="http://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?output=firefox&client=firefox&qu={searchTerms}"></os:Url>
<!--<os:Url type="application/x-suggestions+json" method="GET" template="http://localhost/as3-static/search.php?q={searchTerms}"></os:Url>-->
<os:Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="http://livedocs.macromedia.com/cfusion/search/index.cfm">
<os:Param name="loc" value="en_US"/>
<os:Param name="termPrefix" value="site:livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/2 "/>
<os:Param name="term" value="site:livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/2 &quot;{searchTerms}&quot;"/>
<os:Param name="area" value=""/>
<os:Param name="search_text" value="{searchTerms}"/>
<os:Param name="action" value="Search"/>
<os:Param name="client" value="firefox"/>

You can also install it just by creating  an xml with this code and save into your:

Using this search plugin as it is now, it just will redirect all the queries to the http://livedocs.macromedia.com site, and uses the google suggestion search engine to display the suggestions.
See an example on how suggestions works here. As you can see the results are encoded using JSON.
This is the output you will see there: [“mx.core.”,[“mx.core.view”]]

But since I wanted to have a “pure” flex2 suggestion search engine I grabbed all the contents from the Flex2 Language Reference site using python, saved the results in a local Mysql database and finally created a little search engine in PHP which returns the same json-encoded results, to be used with my search plugin.

Replacing the original search plugin xml file into:

<SearchPlugin xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/2006/browser/search/" xmlns:os="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/">
<os:ShortName>Actionscript 3.0</os:ShortName>
<os:Description>ActionScript 3.0 search on livedocs</os:Description>
<os:Image width="16" height="16"></os:Image>
<os:Url type="application/x-suggestions+json" method="GET" template="http://localhost/as3-static/search.php?q={searchTerms}"></os:Url>
<os:Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="http://livedocs.macromedia.com/cfusion/search/index.cfm">
<os:Param name="loc" value="en_US"/>
<os:Param name="termPrefix" value="site:livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/2 "/>
<os:Param name="term" value="site:livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/2 &quot;{searchTerms}&quot;"/>
<os:Param name="area" value=""/>
<os:Param name="search_text" value="{searchTerms}"/>
<os:Param name="action" value="Search"/>
<os:Param name="client" value="firefox"/>

now the search plugin engine will query http://localhost/as3-static/search.php?q={searchTerms} for displaying the suggestions (so you need to have a php script there which can return something).
What I did at this point is:
1. Grab the flex2 reference using this python script. This script will output a file mysql.sql.
2. Import this sql file into my Mysql database using:

mysql  flex2_reference < mysql.sql

where “flex2_reference” is a database I previously created.
3. Create this php script (sorry, it’s not really a good example of php script…) and saved into my localhost at this address: http://localhost/as3-static/search.php
and I’ve got a fully ActionScript 3.0 search engine with suggestion!

Flash Switcher for OSX

After the many requests of a mac OSX version of my last Firefox plugin I finally was able to create it.
I have to say I had much more difficulties rather than the one for Windows.
For what I could understand Firefox for Windows unload the NPSWF32.dll once there are no pages displaying an swf. In fact (under windows) before switching plugin I have to be sure there are no pages wih an swf within, then I can clear the dll and copy the new one.

Instead Firefox for OSX  doesn’t unload the Flash Player.plugin even when there are no flash contents. For that reason I could not delete the current plugin file, so I decided to first move the running plugin into Trash and then copy the new one in the Internet Plug-ins folder and then ask user to restart Firefox. In this way everything seems to work clean.

Another problem is the fact there are 2 different plugin file for mac Intel and mac PPC. So I had to create 2 different .xpi installers.
Many thanks to Gabriele Farina who help me with this, I completely forgot the fact there were 2 different installer under Mac.

Here the installers (btw, I’m not 100% sure they will work.. a better test should be done):

Flash Switcher for Firefox

P.S. Another thing regarding my recent interest on Firefox plugin development.
This morning Jesse Stratford mailed me saying he wrote an article about me (yeas, about me! ooh what a great honor):

Flash Switcher extension for Firefox

I just did this new extension (my third extension) for Mozilla firefox. I hope it can be useful for Flash developer who want to easily test their pages with different flash player versions.
The extension hasn’t been approved yet by the Mozilla developer extension team so I decided to make first a post here, also for let you to test it and also because last time they took 3 weeks before they approve an extension…

What is this extension?
This extension comes with all the currently published flash player plugins (from the version 2 to the most recent 9,0,16) and allows you to easily switch from one plugin to another, or also to remove the currently installed plugin (maybe for testing the express install).

Where I can find it?
Once installed you will find the “flash switcher” icon in the Firefox statusbar at right. Click on it and a list of available options will appear.

Can I add more flashplayer versions?
Yes, even if you should do it manually.
The extensionn folder can be found here:


Into the “chrome\plugins” folder you will see different folder (such as 9.0 r16, 8.0 r24 etc) with a file NPSWF32.dll within.
To install a new plugin just create a new folder with the name of the player version and copy into it the NPSWF32.dll file which comes with every flash player installer.
You can find all the old flash versions here
Another way to add more versions of the player is to install the flashplayer version you want into firefox, then save it using the “save as” menu item of flash switcher.

Download and install flash switcher here.

Get Firefox 2 now!


Just after few days the launch of Internet Explorer7, Mozilla officially released Firefox2. In the previous days there were various blogs which posted a link to an “official” release of firefox on the mozilla ftp server, which causes various problem in cost of bandwidth…

Firefox 2 offers a refreshed user interface, anti-phishing protection, improvements to the built-in search feature (with the Google suggestion integration), tabbed browsing changes, the ability to restore an interrupted session, better support for Web feeds, inline spell-checking, support for microsummaries and a number of other enhancements (read more)

So, what are you waiting for? Download Firefox2 now!

Flash, Internet Explorer and Firefox new releases

We had so many milestone releases today!
Flash player 9 for linux is probably the most exciting news.
Second, Microsoft announced Internet Explorer 7. (even if I dont like at all the new look).
Last but not least Firefox 2 is on the way!
Today the Firefox 2 Release Candidate 3 have been released (with Javascript 1.7 support and with Google suggest integrated).

XUL and XULRunner (co-starring flash)

Like you probably noteiced I got more and more interest in XUL and experimenting Firefox extensions in the last days.
After my first extension I decided to try something different and first I created a little (this time nothing new at all) and lightweight extension for grabbing flv videos while visiting youtube.com or video.google.com. It simply creates a statusbar icon and when there are availables flv on the page it will get active. Clicking on it let you save the current playing flv. You can also change the options and tell the extension to open the video using you favourite Video Player (Like VLC or FLVPlayer)

Install the getvideo-0.1-fx.xpi Firefox extension

When I did this extension comes also in my mind the idea of creating a simple Flash video player, just for practice. I was doing it using python/wxPython as usual.. but then I wanted to try using XUL  and package it with XULRunner (a runtime XUL runner, which runs xul applications like standalone applications).
First of all I have to say thanks to Darron Schall for his article on how-to embed swf files in xul. I was going crazy to understand all the steps for creating a valid xulrunner package..
As usual opensource sofware has bad and incomplete documentation. I need to look into one of the examples (chatzilla) to understand how it works.

Once I undertood that a new problem arise, the damn flash security sandbox error! When the xulrunner application starts it prompt also the security warning.. Oh my god!

After various attempts and after reading various articles on FlashplayerTrust I managed to solve the problem (or at least I think I’ve solved…).
In the installer a file named flvideoplayer.cfg will be copied inside the Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#Security\FlashPlayerTrust direcory, and it’s content is


In this way the embed swf file should has the correct permissions to communicate with the xul page using fscommand. I thought that my experiment was finished, but when I shown it to a friend he  asked me to add also the possibility to convert the .flv video into other formats (avi, mpeg, etc).
Well, fortunately there’s ffmpeg which does this job for everyone 🙂

Thus I included ffmpeg to enable video conversion. What I did it’s a runtime .bat file which wil invoke ffmpeg:

function execute_batch(bat) {
var file = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
var process = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/process/util;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIProcess);
process.run(true, {}, 0);
} catch(e)

Ok, how to install this application.
In order to run correctly this application you first have to:

  • download XULRunner (I did not included in the installer because it’s about 10Mb).
  • Once downloaded from a command prompt, run xulrunner.exe –register-global (to register for all users) or xulrunner.exe –register-user (to register for one user only).
  • To enable the flash plugin (the Firefox plugin isn’t used, so if you launch the application you won’t see the flash embed object) you have to copy:
    {programs}\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\NPSWF32.dll
    {programs}\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\flashplayer.xpt

    into your XULRunner\plugins\ folder
  • Now just download yougrab! and install it.

Install YouGrab! (sorry but currently Windows only)