Google Talk Gadget

Google team just announced a new gadget available for google personal homepage: Google Talk Gadget.
Basically it’s a flash version of the Gtalkr application. It has a lot of features such as share YouTube videos or Picasa WebAlbum pictures…

Does this mean that the google crew has started to look at flash more that in the past? Maybe a new way to remove the “beta” to all its AJAX apps?
Probably also thanks to the linux flash player 9 recent release?

Read the full post here:…/google-talk-gadget.html

Ben Forta presents ColdFusion Powered Flex and Scorpio (CF8)

On 6th of November staff will present a new event about Ajax, ColdFusion, Flex2, Flash Remoting and more. The speakers will be: Ben Forta, Vince Bonfanti, Charlie Arehart and Giorgio Natili.
In particular Ben Forta will present all the new features of ColdFusion 8 (codename Scorpio, planned for released mid-2007) and its integration with Flex2.

These are the other seminars:

  • AJAX & CFML Applications
  • Accessibility & AJAX
  • CFML Developement on .NET & J2EE platform
  • Flex Data Services & Coldfusion – CF8 sneaks
  • Coldfusion debug; Flex, Ajax& Flash Remoting with Fusion Debug
  • FusionReactor

The event will be in Rome at the Ritz hotel.
For more info visit the event page at