Xray updated

John Grden just posted on osflash mailing list about an update of his xray connector.
This new version (1.5.5) includes these changes:
– New Grid Line creator – add grid lines at any x/y coordinate in any timeline when working with coordinate conversions
– New Edit tool – scale, rotate and move any clip on stage at runtime with a similar edit tool you’d find in the flash IDE
There’s also a video tutorial which explains these changes
Another update is the new swf interface made with Flex2 (requires Flash player 9): http://labs.blitzagency.com/…/Xray.html
Download the mxp file here:
Download the connector only packages here:
An example on how to use the connector package inside your .as:

import com.blitzagency.xray.util.*
private function loadXray():Void{
XrayLoader.addEventListener(XrayLoader.LOADCOMPLETE, this, "xrayLoadComplete");
XrayLoader.addEventListener(XrayLoader.LOADERROR, this, "xrayLoadError");
private function xrayLoadComplete():Void{
private function xrayLoadError():Void{
trace("an error occured loading the Xray connector");
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