Xray updated

John Grden just posted on osflash mailing list about an update of his xray connector.
This new version (1.5.5) includes these changes:
– New Grid Line creator – add grid lines at any x/y coordinate in any timeline when working with coordinate conversions
– New Edit tool – scale, rotate and move any clip on stage at runtime with a similar edit tool you’d find in the flash IDE
There’s also a video tutorial which explains these changes
Another update is the new swf interface made with Flex2 (requires Flash player 9): http://labs.blitzagency.com/…/Xray.html
Download the mxp file here:
Download the connector only packages here:
An example on how to use the connector package inside your .as:

import com.blitzagency.xray.util.*
private function loadXray():Void{
XrayLoader.addEventListener(XrayLoader.LOADCOMPLETE, this, "xrayLoadComplete");
XrayLoader.addEventListener(XrayLoader.LOADERROR, this, "xrayLoadError");
private function xrayLoadComplete():Void{
private function xrayLoadError():Void{
trace("an error occured loading the Xray connector");

Xray ( The AdminTool ) becomes opensource

Many of us used Admin tool for debugging flash movies in the past, being a great debugging tool (for me much better than the one provided in flash).
Now Admin Tool is an opensource project!
What is Xray?
Xray (The AdminTool) is a “snapshot viewer” of the current state of your Flash application without impacting the performance or the file size of your application. Xray’s true nature is to look into the very guts of the Flash application and dissolve the 2d myth you see on screen to a 3D tangible entity you can truly crawl through.
The downloads provided with Xray are:

Other links:

More info available at: http://labs.blitzagency.com/?cat=2