Flash Professional 8 FLVPlayback 1.0.1 Component Update

This update provides fixes for problems related to SMIL support in the initial release of the FLVPlayback component. It also addresses some issues related to streaming from the Flash Media Server and Flash Video Streaming Service (FVSS) partners as well as some minor issues related to using custom UI controls. Anyone working with the FLVPlayback components should apply this update. Installation instructions are included with the download in the Readme file.

Download available here

Xray updated

John Grden just posted on osflash mailing list about an update of his xray connector.
This new version (1.5.5) includes these changes:
– New Grid Line creator – add grid lines at any x/y coordinate in any timeline when working with coordinate conversions
– New Edit tool – scale, rotate and move any clip on stage at runtime with a similar edit tool you’d find in the flash IDE
There’s also a video tutorial which explains these changes
Another update is the new swf interface made with Flex2 (requires Flash player 9): http://labs.blitzagency.com/…/Xray.html
Download the mxp file here:
Download the connector only packages here:
An example on how to use the connector package inside your .as:

import com.blitzagency.xray.util.*
private function loadXray():Void{
XrayLoader.addEventListener(XrayLoader.LOADCOMPLETE, this, "xrayLoadComplete");
XrayLoader.addEventListener(XrayLoader.LOADERROR, this, "xrayLoadError");
private function xrayLoadComplete():Void{
private function xrayLoadError():Void{
trace("an error occured loading the Xray connector");

flash player 8 demo in tokyo

via Moock.
I just read on moock’s blog that kevin lynch, macromedia’s chief software architect, demonstrated the next generation version of the flash player at the macromedia flash conference in tokyo, japan.
only a few features were shown, but it seems they are great, expecially, as we were already heard few time ago, for the graphics.
There is a video available, taken from te conference, in which these features are shown:

  • a new type-rendering engine
  • performance improvements
  • bitmap effects (blur, dropshadow, colour matrix etc)
  • realtime video alpha channel

video is avail at different locations:
Carl-Alexandre Malartre from ScoLab
>> low bw (5mb 320×240, 15fps)
>> med bw (14.5mb 320×240, 30fps)
>> high bw (42mb, 640×480, 30fps)

>> low bw (5mb 320×240, 15fps)
>> med bw (5mb 320×240, 30fps)
>> high bw (42mb, 640×480, 30fps)
Link: http://www.moock.org/blog/archives/000146.html